Necessary documents for doctors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
To work as doctor in Germany, Austria or Switzerland you need a working contract and a free practice authorisation called Approbation.
You will have to provide original documents, legalised translations and legalised copies of all the originals. Some lands will only accept documents translated in Germany and therefore we recommend you to use the services of an authorised German translation office for all your documents.
Bellow you will find a list of the most important documents needed if you wish to practice medicine in Germany, Austria or Switzerland:
- A signed CV (Lebenslauf) with an up to date photo.
- Valid ID,legalised copy.
- Birth certificate and other documents to confirm your name if it has been changed (marriage, divorce).
- Doctor diploma obtained in one of the EU countries.
- University transcript.
- Specialisation diploma if there is one.
- Conformity certificates for all diplomas, originals.
- A clean police record not older than three months.
- Good standing certificate, original.
- Medical certificate confirming that you are fit to practice medicine, original. In some lands this certificate must be issued by a German doctor.
- B2 level certificate in the German language issued by a recognized institute(in Austria C1)
- Written confirmation from the clinic stating your position and the date you will start working.
All these documents must be translated and legalised.
As a first step you should start with the conformity certificates as they take the longest time to be issued.
You will receive the exact list of documents for the Approbation when you decide which land you wish to work in. Each additional document required could mean an additional cost.
Our company can offer you a German language course (Deutsch für Mediziner) as soon as you have reached B1-B2 level(B2.1).